Tips to Avoid Condensation
Condensation forms when moisture in the warm air condenses on cold surfaces. This is especially common in winter, when your central heating system comes on in the cooler hours of the mornings and evenings. While condensation itself isn’t a problem, if you do not treat it, it can cause damp patches to form where mould can grow and this can be bad for your health, as well as damaging the fabric of your home.
Here are a few methods to help mitigate the causes of condensation:
1. Use pan lids when cooking and leave your extractor fan on afterwards for 10-15 minutes to help clear the humid air.
2. Close kitchen and bathroom doors when cooking food, boiling the kettle, or taking a bath or shower to prevent the moisture in the air from going into colder rooms which will cause condensation to form.
3. Dry clothes outdoors whenever possible to prevent excess moisture from building up in your property. If you are unable to dry your clothes outdoors then keep them in a bathroom with the door closed and windows open until the clothes are fully dry.
4. Turn on your extractor fan when using your shower or cooking to remove the steam and moisture that is created.
5. Ensure your washing machine and tumble dryer are vented correctly.
6. Try to reduce clutter and move furniture at least 50mm away from the surrounding walls to improve the air circulation around the property.
7. Buy a dehumidifier to help reduce the level of humidity in the air.